Welcome to another school year! For some, it is returning to the same school with the same friends. For others, this may be a very scary time as they are starting in a new place without anyone familiar. Here are some helpful tips to think about when it comes to making friends and having a great school year:
Smile. Smiles make you seem friendly and make others feel special.
Make eye contact. When you look people in the eye, they feel like you’re interested in them and what they are saying.
Say hello. Greet classmates you haven’t talked to before – hello is the first step toward making a new friend. Make a goal to talk to one new person a week.
Forget stereotypes. Don’t stereotype schoolmates by the groups they belong to and don’t limit yourself to your current group.
Be involved. Extracurricular activities are opportunities to meet others who like the same things you do.
Be better. You don’t have to be the same as you were last year. The older you become, the more life experience you have, the better your social skills become.
Ask for advice. If you’re having trouble making friends or keeping friends, turn to people you respect to talk about your difficulties.
Be a good friend. Treat others the way you want them to treat you.
Be trustworthy. Keep your friends’ secrets and confidences, no matter how tempting telling others might be.
Be truthful. Lying might feel easier, but the truth eventually comes out and makes the situation much worse.
Speak up. If you see someone bring bullied or called names, stand up for the victim.
Apologize. If you hurt someone or mistakenly do something you shouldn’t have, say you’re sorry.
If you would like to learn more about random acts of kindness, contact Simple Acts of Care and Kindness at 866-459-7225 or visit www.simpleacts.org for additional information.