Enjoy Your Summer with Family Activities! | Corona, CA

Happy Memorial Day weekend, everyone! We have officially made it to the kick-off of summer. And with that comes the constant nagging from the little ones about being bored. Now that we are back to having fun in public again, the options are never-ending. The time is now to plan some great family activities for the kiddos to look forward to as the season progresses. Make it a family vote and let the fun begin!

Camping. Stargazing at night will be a fun activity to do at night over some s’mores. If you don’t have easy access to a campground, do it in the backyard!

Sandcastles on the beach. Wherever you are in Southern California, you’re beach adjacent. It’s time for a family sandcastle contest!

Zoo. Many zoos have special activities planned for little ones, so make sure to look up what’s happening ahead of time to maximize your fun learning about animals.

Gardening. There is no better feeling than seeing your hard work pay off with beautiful flowers or delicious vegetables. Add some art by painting rocks to decorate your new garden!

Park playgrounds. A very cost-effective outing is your local park. Pack up a bit of lunch and spend the afternoon outside.

Theme parks. Theme parks are a perfect way to spend a summer day since there’s usually something for everyone.

Outdoor concerts. There are so many great outdoor events happening this summer, no matter where you’re from. Try to make it to at least one this season for a bit of culture.

Family bike rides. Learning to ride a bike is a milestone in most kids’ lives and a skill that they will never truly forget. Add some exercise to your schedule with a fun bike ride.

If you would like to learn more about random acts of kindness, contact Simple Acts of Care and Kindness at 866-459-7225 or visit www.simpleacts.org for additional information.

Random Acts of Kindness Day Should Be Year-Round | Corona, CA

Have you ever had someone randomly do something nice for you? Have you ever done something nice for someone out of the blue? It’s one of those simple ways you can brighten not only someone else’s day, but your day as well. There’s just something about making someone happy that can make your insides feel nice.

February 17th is known as National Act of Kindness Day. Sure, doing something nice for someone can, and should, happen every day of the year. But it’s a holiday that was created in New Zealand by Josh de Jong that has spread across the globe. And for good reason – taking a moment to think about someone else is something the world needs, especially after the rough time we’ve all had dealing with the pandemic and its aftereffects. In fact, the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation celebrates a whole week (February 13 – 19, 2022) because they believe in kindness and dedicated themselves to providing resources and tools that encourage acts of kindness.

So, what are you going to do to celebrate this very kind holiday? The effort can be as simple as a smile to a stranger – smiles go a long way for someone that is feeling blue. It isn’t a monetary thing; the point is to give someone the “warm and cozies” by your unexpected gesture. If you want to jazz up your good deed ideas, here’s a quick list:

  • Pay for the coffee or meal of the person in front of you in line.
  • Leave a kind note for someone.
  • Share words of encouragement.
  • Drop off some groceries at the local food pantry.
  • Mail a “thinking of you” card to someone you’ve not to talk to in a while.

If you would like to learn more about random acts of kindness, contact Simple Acts of Care and Kindness at 866-459-7225 or visit www.simpleacts.org for additional information.

How to Avoid the Haters | Corona, CA

We’ve all heard the term before, especially online. “Hater” is a new word used to describe a bully. They use hurtful and negative comments to not only bring someone down but make themselves feel better about themselves. It can be online, in your personal life or affecting something or someone you love. If online, they are often anonymous. Keyboard warriors, if you will. But a bully can be virtually anyone. Like bullying, hater behavior is something that a person does – it is not who they are, and it can be changed.

But why do they do it? Haters often pick on people whom they perceive as being different from themselves. When inflicting these hurtful words, they understand that they are upsetting, can trigger feelings of anger, hurt, and confusion, and cause the person being criticized to question their self-worth and behavior.

Because it is often experienced online, it can be difficult to deal with a hater. Social media platforms are trying to monitor this, but it is almost an impossible task. In fact, there are a few ways you can avoid the haters in your everyday life. But there are some tips to consider if you’ve found you have a hater on your hands:

  • Ignore it and walk away without reacting or responding.
  • Block anyone online who are making negative or hateful comments on your posts or account, take screenshots and report them.
  • Be kind and respectful – killing them with kindness is a great way to not let it affect you emotionally.
  • Stick with supporters because there is strength in numbers.
  • Remind yourself that comments from a hater are a reflection of them, not you.
  • Understand criticism can be a sign of pain.
  • Acknowledge your feelings.
  • Keep being you.

If you would like to learn more about bullying prevention tips, contact Simple Acts of Care and Kindness at 866-459-7225 or visit www.simpleacts.org for additional information.